➤ Executing task deploy:prepare [localhost] > echo $0 [localhost] < sh [localhost] > if [ ! -d /home/neeta/GIT/SAPI ]; then mkdir -p /home/neeta/GIT/SAPI; fi [localhost] > if [ ! -L /home/neeta/GIT/SAPI/current ] && [ -d /home/neeta/GIT/SAPI/current ]; then echo true; fi [localhost] > cd /home/neeta/GIT/SAPI && if [ ! -d .dep ]; then mkdir .dep; fi [localhost] > cd /home/neeta/GIT/SAPI && if [ ! -d releases ]; then mkdir releases; fi [localhost] > cd /home/neeta/GIT/SAPI && if [ ! -d shared ]; then mkdir shared; fi • done on [localhost] ✔ Ok [46ms] ➤ Executing task deploy:lock [localhost] > if [ -f /home/neeta/GIT/SAPI/.dep/deploy.lock ]; then echo 'true'; fi [localhost] > touch /home/neeta/GIT/SAPI/.dep/deploy.lock • done on [localhost] ✔ Ok [13ms] ➤ Executing task deploy:release [localhost] > cd /home/neeta/GIT/SAPI && (if [ -h release ]; then echo 'true'; fi) [localhost] > cd /home/neeta/GIT/SAPI && ([ -d releases ] && [ "$(ls -A releases)" ] && echo "true" || echo "false") [localhost] < false [localhost] > cd /home/neeta/GIT/SAPI && (if [ -d /home/neeta/GIT/SAPI/releases/1 ]; then echo 'true'; fi) [localhost] > cd /home/neeta/GIT/SAPI && (date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S") [localhost] < 20210106150325 [localhost] > cd /home/neeta/GIT/SAPI && (echo '20210106150325,1' >> .dep/releases) [localhost] > cd /home/neeta/GIT/SAPI && (mkdir /home/neeta/GIT/SAPI/releases/1) [localhost] > cd /home/neeta/GIT/SAPI && (if [[ $(man ln 2>&1 || ln -h 2>&1 || ln --help 2>&1) =~ '--relative' ]]; then echo 'true'; fi) [localhost] < sh: 1: [[: not found [localhost] > cd /home/neeta/GIT/SAPI && (ln -nfs /home/neeta/GIT/SAPI/releases/1 /home/neeta/GIT/SAPI/release) • done on [localhost] ✔ Ok [823ms] ➤ Executing task deploy:update_code [localhost] > which git [localhost] < /usr/bin/git [localhost] > /usr/bin/git version [localhost] < git version 2.17.1 [localhost] > if [ -h /home/neeta/GIT/SAPI/release ]; then echo 'true'; fi [localhost] < true [localhost] > readlink /home/neeta/GIT/SAPI/release [localhost] < /home/neeta/GIT/SAPI/releases/1 [localhost] > /usr/bin/git clone -b #banch_name --recursive -q https://vivek_suryarao:vivek123@bitbucket.org/hfmobileappteam/hfmobapi.git /home/neeta/GIT/SAPI/releases/1 2>&1 [localhost] < error: switch `b' requires a value [localhost] < usage: git clone [] [--] [] [localhost] < -v, --verbose be more verbose [localhost] < -q, --quiet be more quiet [localhost] < --progress [localhost] < force progress reporting [localhost] < -n, --no-checkout don't create a checkout [localhost] < --bare create a bare repository [localhost] < --mirror create a mirror repository (implies bare) [localhost] < -l, --local to clone from a local repository [localhost] < --no-hardlinks don't use local hardlinks, always copy [localhost] < -s, --shared setup as shared repository [localhost] < --recurse-submodules[=] [localhost] < initialize submodules in the clone [localhost] < -j, --jobs number of submodules cloned in parallel [localhost] < --template [localhost] < directory from which templates will be used [localhost] < --reference reference repository [localhost] < --reference-if-able [localhost] < reference repository [localhost] < --dissociate use --reference only while cloning [localhost] < -o, --origin use instead of 'origin' to track upstream [localhost] < -b, --branch [localhost] < checkout instead of the remote's HEAD [localhost] < -u, --upload-pack [localhost] < [localhost] < path to git-upload-pack on the remote [localhost] < --depth create a shallow clone of that depth [localhost] < --shallow-since