All You Wanted To Know About Mutual Funds

All You Wanted To Know About Mutual Funds

A year back Mutual Funds only brought one thought to peoples’ minds ‘Mutual fund investments are subject to market risks. Please read all scheme-related documents carefully before investing. Over the past year, Mutual Funds hold much more meaning than the advertisements rattling off the statutory disclaimer. Mutual Funds Sahi Hai! With so much information and mis-selling around us, we need to filter out the noise and understand what Mutual Funds are and the basics of investing in Mutual Funds.

So here is a Beginner’s Guide To Mutual Funds –

Basics of Mutual Funds

Investing for goals

At Happyness Factory we help you understand your goals, place them on a timeline and then create a plan to save and invest toward these goals. We also help you evaluate the various investment avenues you can invest your money in depending on your risk appetite and investment horizon.

4 thoughts on “All You Wanted To Know About Mutual Funds”

  1. All your advises are free if not please inform about your commission or charges. How to get information about the mutuval funds and their operator capabilities and experience in handling such funds.

    1. Dear Rama Chander,
      At Happyness Factory we first help you identify your financial goals like buying a house, giving your children a good education, planning your retirement or saving for your child’s marriage. We then help you chart an investment plan to achieve these goals when the need arises. Only after identifying your needs and planning how to achieve them, do we start looking at various mutual funds to help you achieve each requirement of yours. We do not charge any fee or commission from our clients for helping them plan their finances. You can contact us on and we can address your doubts and help you invest in Mutual Funds.

  2. Last one years I m investing per month 5000/-now is one year complete but still I m not earnings o%what can I do, I m investing one agency through HDFC ergo & Aditya brila please give me better suggestion

    1. Dear Santosh. While your concern of your investment not yielding returns is valid, you must first identify the purpose of your investment. Are you investing to buy a house, ensuring a stress-free retirement or to meet the needs of your family? Once you identify the purpose of your investment, the focus should be on meeting the financial need and how much you need to invest so you can meet the requirement when it arises. Investing the right way and giving a purpose to your investment will help reduce your worries. Mutual Funds yield returns when you stay invested for some time. It is about your time in the market and not timing the market. You can contact us at and we can help you invest your money to achieve your financial goals.

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